OKOBARO COMMISERATES WITH DUKU ROYAL DYNASTY, EFFURUN-OTOR PEOPLE OVER THE ROYAL PASSAGE OF HRM KING DUKU 11. His Majesty Odjaberen, (Dr.) Matthew Ediri Egbi JP, FoD, AMNSE, RDN, Owahwa II, the Okobaro of Ughievwen Kingdom, (Jeremi) has commiserated with the Duku Royal Dynasty, the good people of Effurun - Otor kingdom, Urhobo nation and Delta State at large over the royal passage of HRM King Johnson Enemuadia Duku (Duku 11), the Orovworere of Effurun-Otor Kingdom. In a condolence message, the Okobaro of Ughievwen Kingdom said the news of the royal passage of King Duku 11, came to him and the entire Ughievwen Kingdom as a shock, as he was a friend and an lnlaw to Ughievwen Kingdom. The revered monarch noted that, King Duku 11 was a brilliant and wise king whose ascension to the throne of the ancient Effurun-Otor Kingdom of Delta State in 2015 brought peace, development and unity to the kingdom. His Majesty Odjaberen, (Dr.) Matthew Ediri Egbi JP, FoD, AMNSE, RDN, Owahwa II, the Oko...