The family of late Sylvester Oromoni Jr, a twelve-year-old student of Dowen College in Lekki, Lagos State has called for justice for their son whose life was cut short untimely.
The father of the deceased, Mr Sylvester Oromoni, made the call on Saturday after marking the twelve-year birthday of his son which fell on Saturday, December 4, 2021, at their Warri residence.
When Bladenews24 got to the Warri residence of Mr Sylvester Oromoni, father to the late student of Dowen College Lekki, Lagos State, the gate was opened with sympathisers sitting under a canopy while the picture of the late Sylvester Oromoni Jr has placed in front of a table with his birthday cake on top the table.
The father of the young lad said that his son whose bright future was terminated untimely was supposed to mark his twelve-year birthday.
Mr Oromoni, who said that it has not been easy for his family to accept the news of the death of their son decided to celebrate his birthday even in his death.
Mr Oromoni, who narrated the circumstances that led to the sudden death of his son said that his son had in the past complained of bully by some students of the school before the one that led to his untimely death.
He strongly disagreed with the statement of the school management that his son sustained an injury while playing football.
He disclosed that his son before he died told them that he was beaten up by five students who thereafter gave him something to drink, threatening him and his friends not to tell anyone.
Earlier in a brief sermon, Reverend Eugene Airen, admonished the Oromoni family to take heart adding that the Bible advises Christians to give God thanks in whatever situation.
Though the family members of Mr Sylvester Oromoni accompanied by sympathisers later cut the birthday cake of late Sylvester Oromoni Jr, they are eager to see the outcome of the investigative report on the matter as well as the prosecution of those involved in his untimely death.
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